Winter Months
(September 1 to March 31)

  • Northbound - ~7:20 PM

  • Southbound - ~7:35 PM

Summer Months
(April 1 to August 31)

  • Northbound - 9:00 PM

  • Southbound - 9:15 PM

Note on current schedule:

The timing on the Ghost Train is currently at a time delay as a result of issues with the system’s internal clock from a previous reboot of the cabinet. This will be addressed at the train’s next maintenance appointment, yet to be scheduled. You’ll note the ambient light program is operating, and we are looking forward to announcing upcoming partnerships that we have been working to establish.


The Ghost Train is an artistic sensory experience at the Oak Leaf Trail Bridge and Capitol Drive in Shorewood. It made its inaugural run on October 31, 2016. This first-of-its kind public art installation will enable visitors to travel back in history, imagining the round-trip journey of the 'Twin Cities 400' which was operated by the Chicago & North Western Railway and crossed that same location from 1935-1963. Touted as the fastest passenger train in the world, the Chicago & North Western Railway's '400' routinely covered the 400 miles between Chicago and St. Paul, MN in just under 400 minutes - including its travel through Shorewood along the route of today's Oak Leaf Trail.

The Ghost Train is the next phase of an exciting long-term public art vision for Shorewood, which encompasses a partnership between the Public Art Shorewood Committee and the Shorewood Historical Society to make this project happen.

Design & Engineering

The Ghost Train designer is Marty Peck, principal of Creative Lighting Design & Engineering, which is a Germantown-based firm specializing in the expressive use of light in architecture. Through innovative lighting and sound technology, Peck created the allusion of a Ghost Train crossing the bridge twice each evening to recall the schedule, speed and drama of the passing of this historic 400 train. At other times the bridge will have a subtler artistic illumination. Both the Ghost Train and bridge lighting will be a permanent installation.

Ghost Train Committee

A big thank you to the entire Ghost Train Committee for their coordination efforts. Their work entailed 18 months of volunteering their time to coordinate the vision and execution of the Ghost Train project. The following individuals served on the Ghost Train Committee:

Pat Algiers
Diane Buck
Bob Dean
Dick Eschner

Karen de Hartog
Doris Heiser
Jon Krouse
Vida Langenkamp

Marian Nasgovitz
Bill Nasgovitz
Lucia Petrie